Wednesday, November 30, 2011

BEAUTY CONNECTIONS with Marco Djelevic Virriat, Mister International Sweden 2011!

BeautyMania.Biz Exclusive Interview to

Marco Djelevic Virriat, Mister International Sweden 2011
Mister International 2011 candidate

Photo credits: Cris Designs Photography, Daniel Norell
Special thanks to Ms. Lisa Lents, national director

Name: Marco Djelevic Virriat
Country: Sweden
Age (as of 2011): TBD
Height: TBD

1. Tell us a little bit about you, your family and your hometown. 
 My name is Marco, I was in born i Lund, Sweden. Lund is the most important studentcity in Sweden and it´s a calm and peaceful place to grow up in. 

 I grew up in a multiethnic household with two brothers and my parents who are both journalists. I’m a son of a Swedish mother and a Montenegrin father, which made me embody the perfect balance between the Northern European cool and Mediterranean passion. I have a big family spread across the globe, who live in Sweden, France, Serbia, Montenegro and Los Angeles. Already in an early age, I was determined and full of energy. If I embarked on a project, it was with all of my focus and attention. I excelled in sports such as soccer, handball and could often be found training at the gym. 

In addition to building my physique, I have always been adamant in enhancing my intellectual side as well. I’m passionately engaged in world news, politics, current events and of course sports. As a sports reporter at the Swedish Radio in Blekinge, I became popular my his accurate and honest interviews. Currently I’m a student in Stockholm where I study political science which is what I also want to work with in future. I love modelling and model for print and commercials. . Although my days are filled with studies and work I still always find time for athletic activities. 

 2. Describe yourself in one word. 

 3. What color do you think that best describes your personality and why? 
 Blue, because I am a pretty calm person and I adore the ocean. 

 4. What does it mean to you to become your country’s representative at Mister International 2011? 
 It means a lot to me to represent my country! With great excitement and honor, I’m preparing to represent Sweden in Mr. International 2011 pageant in Bangkok. To be selected to represent my home country in such a prestigious pageant is a great validation for all of my hard work! Coming from a multi-ethnic family, I want to illustrate that nationality doesn't need to wear a specific set of colors or come from only one cultural background. I see myself as a Swede who also embrace my Mediterranean roots and heritage. I’m looking very much forward to stay in the Thai capitol. I know it's going to be a tough competition for the title of Mr. International 2011 and I’m ready to give it all my determination and focus. For me winning is desirable, but I know that being a part of the whole event is a prize in itself! 

 5. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 
 My stubbornness is my biggest strenght but also my biggest weakness. 

 6. How would you describe the typical day in your life? 
 I get up, eat a healthy breakfast, which is very important for me, so I can have a lot of energy for the day. I go to college and stay there until the afternoon, then I usually go and work out. In the evenings I usually study and spend time with my friends. 

 7. Where do you see yourself, let say, five years from now? 
 Hopefully I will be out travelling the world, working as a model and have the possibility to see the world, as I always dreamed of. 

 8. What is your biggest accomplishment so far? 
 When I got a job on Swedish Radio, I was 16 and it was a great experience for me. Winning the title of Mr. Sweden International 2011 has also been one of my biggest accomplishments which I’m very proud of! 

 9. Share us your “Turn Ons” and “Turn Offs” 
 Humble and ambitious women. Turn off for me is: lazy women who don´t want to accomplish anything in their lives. 

 10. What are your plans for the future? 
 I want to work as a model a few years and travel around the world. Then I want a family and I want to work with political issues which I study at the moment. 

 Okay let’s talk about Beauty... 

11. What is your definition of beauty?
 Purity is the definition of beauty for me. 

 12. Share to us your beauty secrets. 
 I sleep good, train good and eat healthy food. I must feel harmony in my life in order for these things to work. 

 13. What exercises/ workout do you do? 
 I work out at the gym, play several sports and sometimes I go out and run. 

 14. What part of your body are you proud of? 
 I'm satisfied with my whole body, I do not focus on specific parts, but there is always space for improvement… J 

 15. What part of your body that needs improvement? 
 I work hard on my physics, to stay in good shape all the time. 

 16. What part of your body is the most vulnerable? 
 I must watch out so I don´t hurt my head. All the work happens in there! 

 17. What kind of diet do you follow? 
 I eat everything, if I shall be honest. For now it works for me, I don’t have any body fat. Maybe in 10 years, I will need to start paying attention to my diet. 

 18. How much sleep do you get per night? 
 Too little, perhaps 6-8 hours. 

 19. Describe your routines before going to sleep. 
 I read or I talk to my family on the phone. 

 20. How do you cope up with stress?
 I train, that´s the best way for me to handle stress. 

 21. Share to us your fashion sense and style. 
 I like to wear things I feel comfortable in. I have a personal style and I’m not afraid to stand out. 

 22. How did you prepare for Mister International 2011? 
 I work out a lot, I´m working on my English but otherwise it´s mainly the same daily routines as usually. 

 23. In a competition like Mister International where there are lots of handsome men competing, what would make you standout?
 I´m a very determined and focused person. I pursue my dreams and work hard to accomplish them. My goal at the moment is to win Mr. International 2011. I’m going to work very hard to make that happen. I have an ability to be humble at all times although I’m confident in myself. 

 24. Who/ what inspires you to win this competition? 
 I want to show that Sweden is a multi-ethnic country, and I want to make my country, my family and friends proud of me. 

 25. What is your message to your supporters and readers of BeautyMania.Biz? 
 I want to thank all the readers and I just want to tell them to always keep your feet on the ground and fight for the things you want in your life! You only live once!

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