Wednesday, November 30, 2011

BEAUTY CONNECTIONS with Brendan Mervyn, Mister International Ireland 2011!

BeautyMania.Biz Exclusive Interview to

Brendan Mervyn (a.k.a. Brendano Lee)
Mister International Ireland 2011
Mister International 2011 candidate

Photo credit: Brendano Lee's websites

Name: Brendan Mervyn (a.k.a. Brendano Lee)
Country: Ireland 
Age (as of 2011): 26
Height: 1.82 m.

1. Tell us a little bit about you, your family and your hometown. 
My name is Brendan Mervyn. A carpenter, aspiring actor and model by trade,26 years of age, born in Derry Northern Ireland.

2. Describe yourself in one word. 

3. What color do you think that best describes your personality and why? 
White. As this signifies purity, goodness, and compassion. Why? Because white is always associated with heavenly and purity... it's associated with angels and kindness also, this reflects in my personality, always being kind and good to others even if they have done wrong against you. Forgiveness is always the best policy, forgive and forget.

4. What does it mean to you to become your country’s representative at Mister International 2011? 
It's a privilege and honour to represent my country Ireland in this Mister International event, I am proud to represent Ireland and hopefully can win the competition for Ireland as they have never won it before in history, so will be a big achievment if I win it for them.

5. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 
Strengths are being motiviated and very ambitious and never quitting until I achieve my ambitions, also keeping a good regeime with regards to training and resting. My weakness's are eating too much pizza as I love pizza very much, and not cutting down on consumption as much as I promise to myself I will.

6. How would you describe the typical day in your life? 
Typical day in my life is very exciting, wake up, go eat some breakfast, drive around go meet some friends for a coffee, then maybe head to the beach for a swim and have a workout, then some sunbathing and some beautiful lunch, back home early evening, check some emails, cook dinner then sleep or go out for dinner in a beautiful restaurant, I love good food and have very high standards when it comes to my food, I take it rather seriously.

7. Where do you see yourself, let say, five years from now? 
In LA in movies or being the face of a designer such as Calvin Klein, or Giorgio Armani, also being a property developer, owning a fair amount of real estate.

8. What is your biggest accomplishment so far? 
My biggest accomplishments so far are finally qualifying to be a property designer and being to be extremly creative with design aspects of my future property projects.

9. Share us your “Turn Ons” and “Turn Offs” 

10. What are your plans for the future? 
My plans for the future are to be the face of a major designer, cast alongside A- list actors in Hollywood also. I wont quit until it's achieved, so things are looking promising indeed.

Okay, let's talk about beauty... 

11. What is your definition of beauty? 
My definition of beauty comes from the inside of an individual not the outside.. I don't consider beauty to just be a physical attraction, but an internal one. Beauty comes from within the heart and ones kindness and purity and compassion in my opinion.

12. Share to us your beauty secrets. 
Beauty secrets- eat well, train well, don't consume too much alcohol, and being sincere and honest and always humble and considerate, such qualities shows out the true beauty in an individual.

13. What exercises/ workout do you do? 
My workout is swimming in the ocean and and weight lifting not too much 2 times per week for 25 mins each time. I dont work out very much as people may presume, my physic is naturally there from my very active youth. I attended Judo classes 3 days per week from the age of 8-16, then I played semi professional football Sunday League every Sunday from the same age also attended football training sessions immedialty after school 3 days a week. So very active indeed from a young age.

14. What part of your body are you proud of? 
Abdominal (6 pack)

15. What part of your body that needs improvement? 

16. What part of your body is the most vulnerable? 
My chest.

17. What kind of diet do you follow? 
I dont have a diet I can eat anything and never get fat, I am very blessed I suppose, my meals mainly consist of lots of pasta's fish, fresh fruit and vegetables I can eat a very large variety of food, I love food.

18. Describe your routines before going to sleep. 
Routines before sleep are cooking, cleaning, having a shower, checking e-mails.

19. How do you cope up with stress? 
I cope with stress by reading my favourite fashion magazines, going for a job or playing football swimming in the ocean or driving my motorbike listening to my ipod.

20. Share to us your fashion sense and style. 
Fashion sense.... well I try but my friends are fashion designers whom always advise me best as what to wear for certain events I may need to attend to. But I do always like to keep up with the latest trends I suppose providing it looks well of course, sometimes in fashion trends don't look good but people still are happy to follow suite.

21. How did you prepare for Mister International 2011? 
I prepared for Mister International with lot's of exercise and equally important good rest.

22. In a competition like Mister International where there are lots of handsome men competing, what would make you standout? 
My personality I would like to stand out and getting along very well with everyone, and enjoying the event and may the best man win.

23. What is your message to your supporters and readers of BeautyMania.Biz?
My message is to train hard, work hard, and never give up on your hopes dreams and ambitions. You always have to be determined to achieve ones ambitions. Feel free to follow our fan page also and keep up to date with all our latest work and behind the scenes 
Many thanks to everyone all my friends fans and supporters who have always stood by me, through the good and bad times.. I love all my friends and fans and family very much.


Brendan Mervyn Mr International Ireland, is the most Handsome, Charming and has the Best Body in the competition. I wish him "The Luck Of The Irish". I Honestly do Believe he should Win. I Wish Brendan all the Best. May God Bless My Brother... "{•{•{•_,•}•}•}"

Go Get'em Brendan, You're The Best My Brother... "{•{•{•_,•}•}•}"

My Dear Brother Brendan Rory Mister International Ireland, although you didn't win the Mister International in Thailand you're still "The Best" and keep your head up way up "Champ".. You're #1 on my list my brother. The judging was not fair to me on all of the awards given. How can they place some of this gentlemen above you when they didn't even had a much better body than you nor were more better looking either. You were, are and will be my #1 overall "Winner" Brendan. Much Love To You My Brother... "Go Brendan Go" "{•{•{•_,•}•}•}"

This whole male pageant was a sham/hoax and a joke. For what i've seen for myself and heard around this was a total mess. I saw/seen how "The Dashing" Mr Ireland wasn't getting any exposure what's so ever. It was as if he was there to be toss around and ignored his "Charm & Beauty." However would he not be placed in the top 16 at all. He should've been in the top 5 in my opinion. He has and showed a whole lot more than what this so called seenile judges saw. They ought to be ashame and embarrassed as to what they did. I guess something was given under the table because i've notice and wonder as to how some of this contestants got to be above Mr Ireland, I just don't understand "How." Didn't the judges see how some of the contestants looked and how their bodies weren't much better at all than Mr Ireland. I'm completely shocked and disgusted by all of this nonsense. This pageant lost a big opportunity to get much exposure by not placing Mr Ireland because his going places in his career and life. He has a big bright future ahead of him that this pageant could've said that he was the Mr Intertnational 2011 winner or top placed contestant. It's their lost for sure, you guys just made the biggest mistake. By the fact that it was a cheap run pageant by the hotel, meals, pictures, activities and service. It's just sad how all of this was "BS" to me. This pageant needs to be blocked completely. I've said my word on this. You were better than this pageant Brendan Rory Mervyn a.k.a. Brendano Lee. I hope and I know the Mister Intetnational Pageant won't forget that name as long as they live at what could've should've been. Your #1 in my eyes My Brother. Full speed ahead. Much "Love" Brendan... "{•_,•}"

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