Monday, June 25, 2012

EXCLUSIVE: Beauty Connections with Iris Thomsen, Miss World Denmark 2012!

Exclusive Beauty Talks with Iris Thomsen, Miss World Denmark 2012!

Photo by Christina Anaya

Fresh. Elegant. Stunning. Three words that describe Miss World Denmark 2012 Iris Thomsen. She's perfect for Miss World since the pageant seeks fresh, elegant-looking, and beautiful women. Iris is definitely one of the hot favorites to win the title Miss World 2012!

Name: Iris Reuben Adler Thomsen
Age (as of 2012): 25
Height: 1.80 m.
Hometown: Osterbro

BM: Thanks Iris for being with us today. For the benefit of our readers, why don't we start with a brief introduction about you.

IRIS: Well, I was born and raised in Copenhagen, Denmark. My father is Danish and my mother is Indian, though my mother’s family moved to Israel in the sixties and she was raised there. This mix of the three different cultures is something I appreciate greatly, and I understand that it is a gift. It has given me such an insight into three very different parts of the world, so somehow I feel I can find common ground with almost anybody. I have always been interested in other cultures, travelling, and meeting new people. I am a creative person; I love any kind of art. I have danced for many years and it is one of my greatest passions, but I also love walking around museums, exploring libraries, music, fashion – anything where someone has invested time in expressing something. I view myself as a hardworking, passionate, positive individual that values friends and family.

I was raised in a traditional home with traditional values. I have one sister, whom I am very close with, since we shared a room most of our lives. My parents are both very hardworking, and I have learned the value of money and work through them. I have a big extended family on my mother’s side in Israel, and growing up, we always visited them a couple times a year, so I feel close to them as well.

Copenhagen is a small city with much diversity. There are many beautiful, old buildings and wonderfully relaxing parks, I love that about this city. We have many museums that display a wide variety of art. I think the infrastructure is very good; it is easy to get places by public transit, but in the summer I use my bicycle to get everywhere. Another thing I love about this city is that it is very clean, and I hope that we will continue to take this meticulous care of our city.

Photo by Anis Dhiman

BM: What colour that best describes your personality? Why?

IRIS: Purple is the colour of creativity, dreams, insight and imagination. I think it suits me very well, because I have always had a big internal life. I always get lost in my own thoughts and images. I quite often create movement sequences or lyrics or see some kind of light or colour that will inspire me to create something.
Photo by Christina Anaya
 BM: What will make you a standout in the Miss World 2012 competition?

IRIS: Initially, I think it will be my positive spirit and passion for my work. My dance training will definitely also be very handy at the rehearsals, because when I am required to perform, I perform! Later on, I think it will be my down-to-earth personality and my personal story. A lot of people will probably also be intrigued by my diverse background.
Photo by Anis Dhiman

BM: How would you describe a typical day in your life?

IRIS: There is no such thing as a typical day! Sometimes I cannot even plan a week in advance. Either I am out on a modelling or a dance job, working hours in a children’s nursery (substituting for ill personnel), training for my art, or running errands. My schedule is very flexible, so I can be available for the last-minute jobs that always pop up.

Photo by Anis Dhiman

BM: Aside from winning the Miss World Denmark 2012 title, what is your best accomplishment so far?

IRIS: Working with Mr. Rami Be’er, the choreographer for the Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company. I saw the company perform in New York, and was instantly moved. I knew I wanted to dance with them, but felt I was not good enough. Then a couple of years later I found out they had a training program, which I auditioned for. At first, I was rejected, but I insisted on getting a second chance, and explained to them my passion and willingness to learn; and it worked! After completing one year of training at their international school, Mr. Be’er noticed me and invited me to work with him on a project that he had in mind. I really love the outcome of the project, and I still cannot believe that I had that experience. I learned so much from him and all the other beautiful dancers that surrounded me there. I am very proud of myself that I did not take no for an answer in the beginning, and that I managed to fulfil my dream.

Photo by Anis Dhiman

BM: Who/ what inspires you to win this competition?

IRIS: My motivation to win is very high. There are many factors that contribute to this. One of them is the fact that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, there are no second chances. I have to give it my all.

Another is my family. They have given me so much, even though they did not have much. Without them, I would not be the person I am today, so I want to make them proud, and show them that all their sacrifices amounted to something very good.

Lastly, I have my own ambitions to do great things. I want to help and inspire people to be the best version of themselves that they can. I already strive to do exactly that, but with the Miss World organization behind me, I can reach a much larger audience.

Photo by Christina Anaya

BM: How would you define beauty?

IRIS: I think a beautiful person is someone who is always trying to help others and always does it with a smile on his/her face. It is someone who has accepted who he/she is, where he/she comes from and what may lie ahead. A beautiful person keeps working on his/her virtues and inspires others to do the same by example.

Photo by Anis Dhiman

BM: Can you share to us your beauty secrets?

IRIS: I am assuming we are talking about physical beauty in this question. Exercise and eating healthy has always been part of my lifestyle. I do not like sodas, which is coincidently great for my teeth! I strive to get around 8-9 hours of sleep every day. I have never smoked in my life and rarely drink caffeine or alcohol. But the best advice I can give is: love what you do and do what you love. When you are happy, it shows, and the glow you then give out will shine on all the people around you.

Photo by Christina Anaya

BM: Do you have any workout routines? What routines help you stay in shape?

IRIS: I love exercising in a way that engages the whole body at the same time. It makes more sense to me that way, because the muscles are connected, and if you just tone the big muscles on the outside, but not the ones that connect the muscles to each other and the bones, then how is it going to help to fully use your body? For that reason I love Pilates, yoga and ballet. These types of exercise tone the whole body at the same time while working on flexibility as well. I am used to training every day, but some weeks when I am super busy I cannot go to as many classes as I would love to, but then I do some exercises at home. Also I ride my bike everywhere during the summer, and I live on the fifth floor without an elevator! This way I am sure to get at least some exercise every day, even when I am busy.

Photo by Christina Anaya

BM: In your own opinion, which is the most important, physical beauty or inner beauty? Why?

IRIS: Inner beauty, no doubt about it. I have experienced times when I initially thought someone to be good-looking, but as soon as I learned more about his/her personality, I did not think so anymore, and vice-versa. It is your actions that have an impact on the people around you, not your looks.

Photo by Christina Anaya

BM: Can you describe to us about your fashion sense and style?

IRIS: This is a difficult question for me, because I do not think I have one particular style. In general I can say that I like clothes to be practical, comfortable and appropriate for where I am going and I like colours more than patterns. I also like to highlight my eyes and waist, as I think these features compliment my look the best.

I think we all express something through the way we style ourselves, even if that is ‘indifference’, and I have definitely gone through phases in my life where I wanted to express different things. Coming from a traditional home I grew up wanting to cover myself up more than I saw others do, then as a teenager I was a bit angry. I started listening to rock music, tore up my clothes and put it back together with safety pins. Then I got into the hip-hop culture and wore baggy clothes because I wanted to be ‘cool.’ Now I definitely have a more ‘grown up’ look, if you can call it that. I have calmed down and I am much more comfortable in my own skin. But I still have some baggage from those phases. Even though I sometimes show more skin now than I did when I was younger, I make sure I do it in a classy, modest and elegant way. I still like clothes with an ‘edge,’ and I also like being funky when I go to hip-hop events.

When I need to be fancy or when I represent my country as Miss World Denmark 2012, I want to express confidence, professionalism, elegance and grace, while still being down to earth and relatable. This combination is important to me, because if I want to inspire young girls and boys, it is important that they do not feel that I am that much different from them. They should be able to see themselves in me.

Photo by Anis Dhiman

BM: What is the one lesson you learned as a child that still affects your life today?

IRIS: My parents have always worked very hard to give my sister and me the things we needed or wanted. They did not grow up with a lot of money, and neither did we. My mother did not have a credit card for many years (she always paid in cash, which is a great way to make sure you keep a budget), and she was always headed for the sales for a big save. I quickly learned the value of money and hard work, and already started working at the age of 13, which is the youngest you can be to work in Denmark. I have always been good at saving up money, and making a little money go far. I have never taken a loan or been in debt, and I have paid for most things myself. Besides that, I was taught to never throw out food that has not gone bad, and just the thought of it can make me feel bad.

BM: What is the best advice you have given to someone?

IRIS: Being in the dance industry my entire life, I have experienced times when I doubted whether or not this is what I wanted to do. I felt pressured by my family and by society to find a “real” job or get a “real” education. I spent so many years searching and not really going for it 100% because I did not believe in myself. Now I know that what I thought was impossible, is in fact possible! Now I have younger dancers/students asking me for advice on what to do; if they should go after their dreams or otherwise try to force themselves to fit into this box that they feel they should, and I always tell them to follow their hearts. For some people it makes sense to keep their passion as a hobby, but for some it does not. It requires getting to know the business, many hours of hard work, many sacrifices and (in most cases) lots of patience to make a living out of your talent, but if it is really what you want, then it is worth it.

Photo by Christina Anaya

BM: How would you define success?

IRIS: Success is when you reach the goals you have set for yourself, even if they are small, like starting taking those singing lessons you have thought about for so long. In business terms, I would define it as doing something you love and being able to pay your bills doing so.

It is not easy to be successful in all areas of your life.  For example, a man may be a successful lawyer and earn a ton of money, but not a successful father due to his long work hours, so I think it is about knowing what is important to you, and knowing how to prioritize as well.


BM: What is your message to your supporters and readers of Beauty Mania?

IRIS: Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me. I hope it has inspired you to make your own dreams come true, if you have not already. It can seem scary at first, but as soon as you get started, you realise that the fear is only in your head. Instead of letting the fear hinder you, imagine it as an opponent trying to challenge you. Show fear who is the boss!

If you want to follow my journey in the Miss World competition, please join me on the following facebook page:

Special thanks to Ms. Lisa Lents, National Director of Miss and Mister Denmark Organization


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