Sunday, December 4, 2011

BEAUTY CONNECTIONS with Ron Wear, Mister International Canada 2011!

BeautyMania.Biz Exclusive Interview to

Ron Wear, Mister World Canada 2010,
Mister International Canada 2011
Mister International 2011 candidate

Photo credits: Mister World Canada, Gerry Beltgens

Name: Ron Wear
Country: Canada
Age (as of 2011): 32
Height: 1.83 m.

1. Tell us a little bit about you, your family and your hometown. 
I am from Edmonton, Alberta Canada and reside in Vancouver, BC Canada, the home of the 2010 Olympic Games. Growing up; I spent Summers playing football, camping and hiking through the gorgeous Rocky Mountains. Winters were spend snowboarding, sledding and playing in the snow. Here temperatures can go as high as 35C and as low as -50C! My parents are inspirational people who are both very successful in business. My Dad is also a published author. I have two brothers and feel very privilaged to have such a tight, close knit loving family. 

2. Describe yourself in one word. 

3. What color do you think that best describes your personality and why? 
Red. It's bright, warm, firey, passionate and powerful. It's also my country's national colour and is worn by all of our sportsmen. 

4. What does it mean to you to become your country’s representative at Mister International 2011? 
It is an enormous honour to represent Canada at Mister International 2011. My nation is known for it's cultural diversity, warmth, having the most beautiful landscapes, lakes and mountains on the planet and is home to some of the world's most succussful and creative talents (Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, Dan Ackroyd, Michael J Fox, Rachel McAdams, Pamela Anderson, Justin Beiber and supermodel Coco Rocha to name but a few). 

5. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 
I am extremely focused, I have a passion for people, for travel for helping people to live their lives to their fullest potential. I like to inspire, to motivate and to make people laugh. I try not to focus on weaknesses in life. Anything that I see as a weakness, I try to quickly turn in to a strength. i like to learn from my mistakes and look back on them as life's stepping stones. Things that have made me in to the man that I am today. 

6. How would you describe the typical day in your life? 
I usually wake to a call from my agent telling me they want me on set. I will have a protein shake, hit the gym for an hour and then drive to the set. A day on the set of a blockbuster movie or television show can have me doing anything from shooting an M16 to being involved in an on screen love scene. I try to do all my own stunts wherever possible and love nothing more than losing myself in a gritty plot. After 12-16 hours on set, I get home and catch up on paperwork and emails from my successful events planning and talent business and co-ordinate my employees for the next day. When filming is finished or my company has an event coming up, I spend an hour with my stylist choosing just the right suit and then attend various premieres and functions. 

7. Where do you see yourself, let say, five years from now? 
I am living the life I always dreamed of. I can only hope that I have the good fortune to still being doing this 5 years from now. 

8. What is your biggest accomplishment so far? 
Being crowned both Mr World Canada and Mister International Canada in consecutive years is an enormous accomplishment. I also have several castings for huge Hollywood blockbusters coming up that I am very proud of. Alongside being able to keep a level head in an egocentric world and maintaining a beautiful relationship with a wonderful woman. 

9. Share us your “Turn Ons” and “Turn Offs”
My turn ons are a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. Someone who is not afraid to show the world who is. Someone who has a beautiful heart, a wonderful sense of humour who can keep up with me in my crazy world. Turn offs: jealousy, insecurity and bad manners. 

10. What are your plans for the future? 
I plan to continue to travel the globe, going to the remote cities and helping out in places that the world seems to have forgotten. I want to give back and bring the plight of poverty and famine to focus. I want to make a change. On a personal note; I will continue acting and modelling, finish getting my Pilot's license and taking over the world with my business 

Okay lets talk about beauty...

 11. What is your definition of beauty? 
Beauty is a quality that radiates from the inside out. You must have beauty of heart and mind first, to be truly beautiful externally. 

12. Share to us your beauty secrets.
 I workout 1-2 hours 5-6 days per week. I eat healthily; predominantly a protein, grains and vegetable diet. I use high quality skincare and live a positive, love and fun filled life. 

13. What exercises/ workout do you do? 
See above.

14. What part of your body are you proud of? 
I am most proud of my mind. I try to open my mind to new experiences every day. I yearn for new knowledge and love nothing more than exploring a new country, culture and language. 

15. What part of your body that needs improvement? 
Being that I live in Canada I am always working to improve my tan. I look forward to doing more sun baking in Thailand. 

16. What part of your body is the most vulnerable? 
My heart, I love very easily. 

17. What kind of diet do you follow? 
See above 

18. How much sleep do you get per night? 
I am very busy and can sometimes be on a movie or television set for 12-16 hours. I try to get at least 5 hours sleep per night and love nothing more than a long sleep in on a rare day off.

19. Describe your routines before going to sleep. 
I take a long bath, relax and curl up in a robe in front of the fire. 

20. How do you cope up with stress? 
I focus on the positives in life. I try to tackle each task and finish it as it is presented to me and then move on to the next task. 

21. Share to us your fashion sense and style. 
I would describe it as a "modern day James Bond". I pride myself on dressing for success at all times. Life is too short to not look good . I have a collection of suits, designer jeans and tees and work them in to my look. In saying that, I am most comfortable in the gym in my workout clothes. 

22. How did you prepare for Mister International 2011? 
I have been undertaking grueling workouts in the gym every day and have stuck to a strict diet of proteins and vegetables. 

23. In a competition like Mister International where there are lots of handsome men competing, what would make you standout? 
My sense of humour, experience, profile in the media and work ethic are what make me stand out from the rest. I also think that I may be the only blonde haired, green eyed competitor! 

24. Who/ what inspires you to win this competition? 
I look at the success of Aishwarya Rai, Halle Berry and Steve Jones, all very successful pageant winners and actors who have gone on to not only make a name for themselves and their countries but who have had the good fortune to showcase their talents and their platforms to the world. I look forward to following their footsteps and making Canada proud. 

25. What is your message to your supporters and readers of BeautyMania.Biz? 
Thank you for your love, continued support and many messages and letters. You all inspire me to be a better man every day xx


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