Tuesday, November 29, 2011

BEAUTY CONNECTIONS with Žan Cvet, Mister International Slovenia 2011!

BeautyMania.Biz Exclusive Interview to

Žan Cvet, Mister International Slovenia 2011
Mister International 2011 candidate

Photo credits: Anka Bulovec, Žiga Mihelčič, Dejan Nikolič, Tibor Golob
Special thanks to Mr. Erik Ferfolja, Mister Slovenia Director

Name: Žan Cvet 
Country: Slovenia 
Age (as of 2011): 20 
Height: 1.90 m.

1. Tell us a little bit about you, your family and your hometown.
I'm Žan Cvet, 20 years old from Slovenia. Six months ago, I became Mister Slovenia for Mister International 2011. I want to become a professional model. My family support my decision and my goals and they are very proud of me. I live in the capital city of Slovenia, Ljubljana, which is a lot smaller than other metropolitan cities. But it's a very very beautiful, because we have a wonderful castle in centre hill and a lot of attractions. 


2. Describe yourself in one word.

3. What color do you think that best describes your personality and why? 
Green, because this color is restful. Many people have already said to me, that they feel calm, after talking to me.

4. What does it mean to you to become your country’s representative at Mister International 2011? 
Because I have to represent Slovenia in best way that I can, I take this title very seriously and responsible.

5. What are your strengths and weaknesses? 
I'm polite, helpful, funny, very fiendly but I think my worst quality is that, when I'm hungry I get angry very easily.

6. How would you describe the typical day in your life? 
I wake at 8.00am, than I go running or climbing on hill near Ljubljana and after sport activity I eat breakfast. Before breakfast I must have a little rest in peace. After that I go to lectures on my faculty. Sometimes I go out with my friends or I'm hanging with my family. At the evenings I watch TV and I go to bed quite early.

7. Where do you see yourself, let say, five years from now? 
I see myself abroad, working as a model.

8. What is your biggest accomplishment so far? 
My biggest accomplishment in sports was 6th place on junior world rowing. However, my biggest accomplishment was, when I become Mr. Slovenia for Mister International.

9. Share us your “Turn Ons” and “Turn Offs” 
Turn ons: confidant, romantic and fit women. Turn offs: Smoking

10. What are your plans for the future? 
My biggest wish is to become a world model. Because modeling with all the good and the bad things is my passion: clothes, catwalk and styling…

Okay let’s talk about Beauty... 

11. What is your definition of beauty? 
Beauty is relative like the time.

12. Share to us your beauty secrets. 
I'm eating healthy food, working out, I'm taking time to relax and I sleep at least 8 hours.

13. What exercises/ workout do you do? 
In last 6 months, I spend a lot of time in the gym. The most important is running and working out for sets of muscles.

14. What part of your body are you proud of? 
It's hard to decide for a part of the body, because we must take ourself as a whole. But I think I have nice eyes, becouse they slightely change colors.

15. What part of your body that needs improvement? 
Right now... nothing. I'm happy with my looks.

16. What part of your body is the most vulnerable? 
Absolutely my head.

17. What kind of diet do you follow? 
I'm not on a diet. I just eat healthy food. But I eat a lot of rice, vegeatables and chicken.

18. How much sleep do you get per night? 
I sleep a lot. I sleep around 9 hours every night.

19. Describe your routines before going to sleep. 
I watch TV, then I brush my teeth before going to my bed.

20. How do you cope up with stress? 
When I'm under stress I take a walk or lie on my bed in peace and try to sleep. If I'm under stress because of some problems I try to solve them as fast as I can.

21. Share to us your fashion sense and style. 
I am a fashion enthusiast. I love all kinds of fashion styles, because I think that I know how to wear them.

22. How did you prepare for Mister International 2011? 
I undergone many catwalk and modeling trainings, and doing some English conversations.

23. In a competition like Mister International where there are lots of handsome men competing, what would make you standout? 
Probably my uniqueness and my style.

24. Who/ what inspires you to win this competition? 
I want to work in fashion world. I am inspired with many Slovenian misters who became successful models in various world markets. I want to be one of them.

25. What is your message to your supporters and readers of BeautyMania.Biz? 
The inner beauty is the one that matters. Thank you for your support! Be good :)

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