Wednesday, December 14, 2011

MISTER INTERNATIONAL 2011: Beauty Mania's Choice for Top 15 Most Elegant Candidates!

Beauty Mania's Mister International 2011 TOP 15 Choice for 

(chosen by the members of PAGEANT EXPERTS ASSEMBLY)

Photos courtesy of Thai Catwalk

1. SPAIN - Gerva Mogio

2. PORTUGAL - Fabio Duarte

3. SWEDEN - Marco Djelevic Virriat

4. CANADA - Ron Wear

5. PHILIPPINES - Fhrancis Lopez

6. SLOVENIA - Zan Cvet

7. LEBANON - Muhamad El Hajj

8. KOREA - Ji Sung Oh

9.MEXICO - Felipe Melendez

10.NORWAY - Nikolai Danielsen

11. SLOVAKIA - Jakub Lorencovic

12. CZECH REPUBLIC - Martin Gardavsky

13. COLOMBIA - Carlos Eduardo Paez

14. DENMARK - Mads Madsen

15. BRAZIL - Cesar Curti


SPAIN hands down! He wins this round!

Philippines... very promising!

agree with Spain as number 1. he nailed it!

portugal, sweden, norway, and brazil are the rest of my top 5!

philippines actually nailed it!

I "Believe" that Mr Brendan Mervyn from Ireland is the most "Handsome" young man in the competition. The panel need to open their eyes and see that. Apart from his "Charming" good looks Mr Ireland has a "Remarkable" body indeed.."Go Brendan Go". My "Brother" is #1 to me hands down in this competition. Open your eyes judges... "{•{•{•_,•}•}•}"

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